Sadistic Excess banner

You have an eager friend to thank for this…

So, I’m sure you are wondering when my next chapter is going to make itself known. Just dying to know what Marco has planned? How Annerire will recover, adapt? What were those words over which he ran his fingers while she lay there, dead to the world?

Wait for it… wait for it….

Oh, and in case you’ve not discovered the new location on your own, well, oh well. Sadism can be fun. Weee!

Some of you have already come across it. Will you share your findings? Keep them greedily to yourself? I suppose the real test comes when the post goes live and those that ‘have’ can dangle it over those that ‘have not.’

Don’t look to me for answers. I will tell you this…[nevermind, deleted. Can’t make it too easy.]

12 Responses to “You have an eager friend to thank for this…”

  1. Radial Says:


    And that is all I have to say.

  2. Tess Says:

    Beat me to it here too, eh Radial.

    It’s on. You and me, behind the Piggly Wiggly. Your choice of weapons, or perhaps jello wrestling….

    If you’re nice, Dae, maybe we’ll let you watch.

  3. Kochanie Says:

    Strife in the comments section…not good.

    This requires a Zen approach.
    Do not search for that which is hidden.
    If it is meant to be read, it will appear.

    (Which means that the blog owner will be so tired of waiting for us to find it, he’ll end up posting the darn thing here.)

  4. Radial Says:

    I’m a judoka, Tess.


    Sure you want to have your shame witnessed?

  5. Tess Says:

    I am so screwed, Radial. Still, my only question is lime or strawberry. I like lime jello myself, but the sadist may prefer red to green.

    Actually thought of getting naked and tumbling around in jello is making me hot.

  6. Kochanie Says:

    Jello won’t be the only thing that’s wiggling.

    (Needless to say, I’m selling tickets)

  7. Daemon Says:

    Far be it from me to object to nude jello wrestling - indeed, red would be prefered. I imagine it stains slightly so feel free to use some baby oil to keep that at bay.

    I do trust there will be wagers placed. I hope to make a tidy bundle.

    What does the winner get?

  8. Radial Says:

    Baby oil, of course, how kind of you to think of it.

    The winner gets… hmmm. Tess? Any ideas what you’d like to give me? *winks*

  9. Tess Says:

    I like the idea of baby oil, it seems the only way I’m going to win, since the last fight I had was with a girl was in third grade (all hair pulling and scratching - it was a tie), will be if you slip and knock yourself unconscious.

    But the possibility exists, so while you’re pondering what you’d like from me, Radial, I’m also contemplating how much I’d like to spank your sassy ass.

    This is way too much fun.

  10. Radial Says:

    Take a number, Tess.

    How about, if I win, you write the next bit of Isabella’s Eyes?

    (Agreed, this is far too much fun.)

  11. Tess Says:

    Hey Radial….

    Too funny.

  12. R Says:

    where is the next installment, please?

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