I get these questions frequently enough that I thought I would just put them here so that anyone too afraid of asking me, could know the same thing.
- Comment Icons - Have you noticed the picture I have when I comment? That is a gravatar. It is a universal icon, associated with your email address that provides the same picture, across the board, to any website that has them enabled.
- Registration. I’ve expanded functionality. Registration requires a valid email, but that aforementioned functionality won’t benefit you if I don’t know you. There are posts hidden on my site, invisible to search engines and casual surfers. They aren’t made available to the public for many reasons, but often include personal posts, pictures and some of my more questionable adventures. However, to make this short, if I don’t know you, either through real life or virtual interaction, I won’t allow you to see those - whether you’ve registered or not. If you are a regular, I’ll enable your access if I recognize your user name and email.
- Your comment doesn’t always show right away for several reasons. The first being that you must have a previously approved comment. This helps me keep down on spam, of which I have a lot. If you’ve been approved before, your comment should show right away unless it meets death in a spam filter, death by me, or you’ve changed some detail of your email or name when you submitted your comment. If in doubt, you may ask, but contact with a sadist should be minimal for anyone not into emotional or physical pain.
- The password protected posts are a thing of the past.
- I don’t email you unless I have a reason and that, too, is very rare. You may email me, my address is Sadistic.Excess {at} gmail {dot} com. Jokes of the day and other mindless crap, piss me off. Don’t waste my time.
- My Yahoo ID is daemon_depraved. Feel free to add me, I won’t feel obligated to speak with you, neither should you feel that way about speaking with me. Conversation is best when there is a topic.
- If I do speak with you, or share any detail with you one on one, I don’t wish to see it republished. The same courtesy will be afforded to you.
- If you intend to republish my work elsewhere and assume it as your own, please be aware that I have an attorney. I’ll sick him on you, not to mention, unleash my more eloquent readers who, thankfully and loyally, guard my work as well.
- I like comments. I like being linked. At the same time, I comment when I can add something. I link when I visit your site regularly. I de-link when I stop.
- The theme changes depending on my mood and without notice. If you like it, I usually keep the link to its creator somewhere near the bottom.
- I operate 100% Wordpress, proudly.
- Oh - and for Live Journal Users - My Syndicated Account link can be found here.
- This list was last updated 12/13/08. (To correct a slight problem with my email address. Yeah, I listed the wrong one.)