December 6, 2008

iTunes Bender #7

Category: Findings — Daemon @ 1:18 am

Dear Apple iTunes,

I don’t regret spending an obscene amount of money on your website recently.  In fact, I would rather view it as helping out starving artists everywhere.  Artists, who peddle their trade earnestly on the streets of L.A., need this kind of money from me to just make ends meet.  How else would Brittany be able to afford her bi-polar medication?  (I confess, sadly, none of my purchases went to that cause, however.)

David Draiman can now afford to purchase another piercing!  I am equally thrilled to support another round of rehab for Ms. Winehouse as well.

I would ask that you somehow endeavor to make your site less addictive.  Perhaps you can make those little sound clips longer, so I didn’t feel the need to download just to complete the rest of the chorus.  I know, there are other sites out there that would offer me not only the music, but the video as well, however, the thrill of ownership will not be denied!

iTunes, when did you make illegal downloading a thing to be despised?  When did you manage to make purchasing something more thrilling than secretly thieving it from across a thousand shared servers?  Was that switch made when I got Madonna calling me a thief on her ‘Like a Virgin’ .mp3?  Was it when that one song I wanted was never available?


iTunes, you are my drug.  I am now going to overdose on a mixture of the following:

  • Apocalyptica - Inquisition Symphony (Alas!  A full album download of music that I can fuck N too)
  • Through Glass - Stone Sour
  • Lovers in Japan (video)- Cold Play (Free!  Like a drug dealer passing out samples!!!)
  • Little Toy Gun (video) - Honey Honey (Another Free one!)
  • Over and Under - Egypt Central
  • Hurt - Christina Aguilera
  • Wanted Dead or Alive (video) - Bon Jovi (Why do you insist on keeping classic Def Leppard and G n R videos out of my reach?)
  • Fast Car - Tracy Chapman
  • The Killers - Hot Fuss (Special pricing, my downfall)
  • Black - Aaron Lewis
  • Black Balloon - The Goo Goo Dolls
  • Strong Enough - Sheryl Crow (iTunes, when did you find out I love older women?)
  • Real Gone - Sheryl Crow
  • Here is gone - The Goo Goo Dolls
  • Winter Wonderland - Tony Bennett (Free!)

I hope you are pleased with yourself, iTunes.  I’ll be back.

Yours eternally,




  1. Eternally, eh? Heh. You’re a funny man, D.


    Comment by elise — December 6, 2008 @ 11:44 am

  2. Such a tease, these songs aren’t free anymore, it is very upsetting.

    Comment by danielle — December 6, 2008 @ 3:09 pm

  3. Lucky you that you are able to find the music you want on i-tunes. They haven’t had any of the things I have wanted recently and so my oldest son has freeloaded them for me instead from other sources. I find i-tunes remarkably frustrating that different countries licence different artists and music so that I have to have 3 different i-tunes accounts from the UK, US and here in Australia.

    Comment by doll — December 13, 2008 @ 8:18 am

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