One of the curiosities of being who I am is that, no matter how long I work, or the fact that I do have a regular job (during the daytime), it seems that no matter how hard I try (and I do) I can’t, just can’t get my mind to work the way I’d like ….until this time of day.
It’s 2a.m. Just about when I am ready to go to bed because I can’t justify another sleepless night, just when I’m ready to pop some pain meds to kill the MIND NUMBING pain, I find inspiration hitting me.
Fucking brain, would you work right for a change?
Inspiration will have to wait. Oblivion awaits in the form of little tiny ovals.
Its better, its getting better.
Brains tend to have a mind of their own, Tiburon. Mine has two, to my chagrin.
Comment by Liras — December 9, 2008 @ 10:29 pm
Oblivion awaits in the form of little tiny ovals?
Hmm, didn’t i read that ‘pain’ can be managed, if one has the will? … and i quote:
I believe that all pain can be managed - physical, mental, emotional - if the will is there, the determination is there, and the strength to battle your own demons is there. ~ Sadistic Excess
Not always so easy, is it? Sometimes we just have to ‘feel’ our way through to the other side; as not ALL pain is manageable, in the moment. Those little ovals can NEVER replace what it is we really need, whatever that may entail. And, differing pain needs a particular remedy … not always accessible when it is in demand, or needed, unfortunately.
Please forgive me, i intend no malice … just speaking from experience.
Dae, you are inspiring to a select group of many of ‘us’ … please don’t numb that wonderful ‘brain’ of yours.
It would be like a re-visitation into “The Hall of Mirrors.” Not a fun house … and not easy to navigate.
It’s all fuzzy and dark in there.
Turning an hour-glass on it’s side does NOT stop time.
Comment by gd — December 10, 2008 @ 2:04 am
Dear Writer,
I often find that at the moment of almost sleep an innocent clarity creeps in and decides that is only moment to reveal what is next in the plot, what twist to take in a character’s life, or to simply remind me that I’m out of bagels and need to purchase more.
Best wishes and good luck to your Delta waves duking it out with the Theta waves. Whichever fraternity you choose, I wish you the best of luck. (Though, I’m partial to Theta for reasons unconfirmed.)
A Newly Converted Insomniac,
Miss Ally
Comment by Ally — December 10, 2008 @ 10:35 pm
~i’m about to go all string theory, so time to go ~smile~
Comment by gd — December 11, 2008 @ 9:51 am