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There comes a time when you must force yourself to realize that what was once a goal, is no longer.  It isn’t for your lack of trying (though they might say it was), it isn’t for your lack of dedication (though they might question that as well), but simply because you weren’t enough.  It is no longer a question of may, if or when, but can.  Or can’t.

You can’t win.

Because, no matter how much blood you invested, no matter how many endless hours you spent… Whatever exists inside you just simply, isn’t enough.

I wasn’t enough.  Goddamn, why does that always hurt?

16 Responses to “Inadequacies”

  1. Radial Says:

    Does everyone, everywhere feel inadequate?

  2. D'jaevle Says:

    I don’t think it is a question of inadequatecy.

    There are simply some things that cannot be filled (attained/completed/fixed) no matter how much of ourselves we pour into them.

    It is not the quantity that is in question, but whether the shape of the vessel was meant to hold what we offer.

    Nature decides, ultimately, what is enough.

  3. Marianne Says:

    You can’t win ‘em all.

    We all have inadequacies, we are grounded by the pain being inadequate brings.

    As for why it hurts, it hurts because you tried and didn’t succeed. No one likes failure, it’s just a part of life that we have to deal with.

    I’m sure you are adequate at other things.

  4. lil pig Says:

    Sometimes it has nothing to do with being enough, or being inadequate.

    Mostly it comes down to being a good fit..or not. Just like puzzle pieces don’t fit if they do not belong together. Yet they fit perfectly with another.

    it can be said that this is my daily dilema. And even when it is black and white and has nothing to do with right or still hurts.

  5. MangledTulip Says:

    1. It depends on who thinks you’re inadequate. If it was someone else, then to hell with it. If it was you…well…fix it.

    2. You’re not, by the way, inadequate.


  6. jax Says:

    true self acceptance = personal mastery

  7. Joe Says:

    It has been said and I believe it, that ‘If you can’t get what you want, you don’t want it badly enough.’ For this to work, it should be tempered, by realising that it is subject to the ‘Law of diminishing returns.’

    ps. Bearing in mind, that we all have different limits, would it be more succinct to say, ‘We all get what we deserve’ ?

  8. Remittance Girl Says:

    I prefer to think of inadequacies as strange tattoos. Or rather… variations on a norm I’m not really interested in conforming to.

    I am magnificent in my variation. And so are you.



  9. MangledTulip Says:

    Brava, rg.


  10. zirco Says:

    You sound very much like a Doctor who failed to save his patient.

    Feel inadequate is normal, we all after all will feel inadequate, but that is just a human respond to failure. That is our life, sometimes what we do is just simply not enough. A higher force is in control.

    If we would just look back and count our successes, big or small, then we would realise that we are not that inadequate after all.

  11. Kaz Says:

    Some have multiple talents and others only one. No one is perfect in everything. It isn’t a question of being inadequate. It’s one of fully utilizing the talents available, getting past the humiliation of failing in a bad fit situation, and being reflective enough to learn more about yourself so you don’t repeat the hubristic mistake of thinking you’re perfect…or have to be.

  12. Denise Says:

    Not only do I enjoy your blog writings, I feel your readers, and their comments are worthy of a mention.

    I hope you don’t mind me using you to say thanks to them.

  13. Silence Up2NoGood Says:

    I’ll second Denise there. Thanks for the blog and don’t sweat the small stuff.


  14. Denise Says:

    They told me to ‘push’ and I couldn’t. I felt inadequate. Nevertheless the outcome was the same.

    We all feel inadequate at some time

    I don’t think you are inadequate

  15. MistressS Says:

    You and I both know that it is our nature to be hardest on ourselves. We loathe failure. Most things become ours because we will them to be and sacrifice enough to have them. Anything less is unacceptable.


  16. daddyfetish Says:

    people have said for a long time that what matters is the ability to rest your ehad at night and sleep well. but my thinking is, that’s fine - for sleep, btu what gets accomplished there? i like to think about what happens when i wake up. how i feel first thing in the morning. the ability to wake up and go about a daily routine is far more important than the few moments before slumber.

    rest well, but wake up ready.

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