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My cat is sick and has totally defied my orders to improve immediately.

I applied her flea medication yesterday which caused her to immediately hate me for the rest of the day. She avoided me and slept in a basket located in my spare room. This morning, I notice she is sluggish and only mildly happy to see me. The little bugger is usually purr horny first thing in the morning. So I’ve watched her all day. She eats, sleeps. Stupid me. Typical cat I suppose.

Still I will keep an eye on her.

Here is a picture for anyone interested. This bitch is the current love of my life. She never growls, never whines, and talks to me when I get home.


6 Responses to “Cat”

  1. Mistress S Says:

    Speaking of cats…’M’ called. I told him that ex-girlfriend is pushing buttons…he said something to the effect of stepping on kitty tail could be dangerous to ones health. Maybe it’s a good thing she doesn’t have a tail?? As for my tail…I wrote blog material and then wrote a seperate rage for myself. Made me feel better…only a little. Hope your kitty is back to herself soon.

  2. n-m Says:


  3. Daemon Says:

    She has returned to her normal self and currently kneading a hole in my leg.

  4. Mistress S Says:

    I am glad she has been restored. Enjoy the claws.

  5. introspectre Says:

    She’s gorgeous.

  6. Sadistic Excess - The Journals of a Sadist » Understanding my silence… Says:

    […] The windows are open and birds are singing outside. Sasha is perched in the window sill in a vain effort to catch one that never seems to stray close enough for her liking, even if the screen still prevents any action. The curtains move and shift in the wind that breezes through the house. You can tell I’ve opened the doors along the rear wall that face our incredible deck. It is cooler from having graced the waters surface, and gives the 80 degree weather a refreshing kiss. […]

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