
The question…

Filed under: — Daemon @ 11:39 pm

Sugared lies, or vicious truth.

All truth is vicious if it isn’t what you want to hear. Lies are sweet when they contain something that flatters our egos.

Which would you have? On one hand you always know where you stand, on the other, you remain in blissful ignorance. I suppose it depends on what kind of person you are. Passive or aggressive?

I think you know what kind of person I am. I would rather know.

Think about it.


I can’t say that I hate you; I have no such emotion attached to your name. You are an ash, a wisp of cloud, a warm, vaporous breath in the winter. You exist, but have no substance. How can I have any feeling toward you? You are empty, a shell. My fingers reached out to touch you and found nothing.

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