

Filed under: — Daemon @ 10:51 pm

Happy Thanksgiving. It has been a good year.


Grains of sand…

Filed under: — Daemon @ 6:03 pm

Like grains of sand, they slip through my fingers. Miniscule, sharply edged pieces of glass worn from the passing of time and pressure.
How like sand they are, great in number, yet each one insignificant on its own. They are lost in the sea of their own importance, consumed by group thought, swallowed into some consciousness that doesn’t listen until they can’t talk anymore, or don’t have the energy. They curse the wind that stirs them, hate the feet that walk among them. They despise change, hate progress, lack motivation.

The sea shell. Alone, half buried in the sand, nearly swallowed by their unrelenting waves. It has forgotten its beauty as time has passed by, viewing itself in the mirror that the sand provides. Revealed by the wind, cast into the sun, located and found - plucked from the sea of sand. Released from thousands - millions of bitter voices.


Alter of blood

Filed under: — Daemon @ 11:23 pm

A new short story I am going to work on.


Woman with rosary beads.
Absolution - remission of sin.
A prayer.

An alter of blood
White, red, black.

Stark. Raw. Real.

A soft plea for salvation.

“Hail Mary, full of grace, our Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amoung women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.”

And its answer…


Forced Consent

Filed under: — Daemon @ 12:45 pm

While rape is viewed by myself and many others in the BDSM community as the vile act that it is, there is an alternate form called forced consent. It is the art of forcing the intended victim to consent and eventually want the act to happen. Forced enjoyment of a rape - without the emotional burden of the real act. Obviously this is a fine line to walk and I do no encourage anyone to partake in something of which they have little knowledge, or without the full understanding and consent of your partner. Now, all of that aside…

That is the kind of violence I crave at the moment. I want to smell that particular fear. The act itself…vicious and brutal. I want push apart her trembling thighs and have her in the one way that a man unquestionably dominates a woman. I want it to be bloody - I crave the fight.

This mood doesn’t creep up on me often and I often prefer abject submission to any fight. However, in the case of forced consent, having someone beg you to rape them, doesn’t exactly spawn the violent need for savagery. (…not everytime, at least)

It can be anywhere. I like realistic settings. How often do I go to the jungle or am captain of a pirate ship? Halloween aside, give me an urban setting and I am content. I am open to ideas.

The want and desire is there. I just need to find an outlet.


And now for my political commentary…

Filed under: — Daemon @ 9:21 am

Bush sucks.

Bush Lies. (reposted in short from the DNC website)

— “Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof, the smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.” [Bush Remarks, Cincinnati OH, 10/7/02]

Fact:Saddam Did not Have Chief Requirements for Nuclear Weapons
— “The ‘Mission Accomplished’ sign, of course, was put up by the members of the USS Abraham Lincoln saying that their mission was accomplished.” [Bush, News Conference, 10/28/03]

Fact: Sign Was Produced by White House
—"Our budget will run a deficit that will be small and short-term.” [Bush, State of the Union, 2002]

Fact: Deficit Will Be Largest in History and Will Exceed $400 Billion Every Year for Next Ten Years
—"Tax relief is central to my plan to encourage economic growth, and we can proceed with tax relief without fear of budget deficits, even if the economy softens,” Bush promised. [Bush Remarks at Western Michigan University, 3/27/01]

Fact: Bush Deficits Due Largely to Tax Cuts
—"We must uncover every detail and learn every lesson September the 11th.” [Bush 11/27/02]

Fact: Bush Initially Opposed Independent 9-11 Commission
—"We will require all power plants to meet clean air standards in order to reduce emissions of…carbon dioxide.” [Bush speech, “A Comprehensive National Energy Policy,” 9/29/00, Saginaw, MI]

Fact: Bush Overruled Whitman, Broke Campaign Promise to Regulate Carbon Dioxide Emissions
—"I’m a uniter, not a divider.” [Bush, Austin American-Statesman, 7/30/00]

Fact: Yea, okay, who really buys this one?



Filed under: — Daemon @ 2:14 pm

Save me from the ‘victims’ that abound in this hell. Erase those many people who use their own self depreciating comments to elicit a favorable response from their loyal and, often stupid, followers. Is it a badge of triumph that you have wasted years of your life climbing up through the ranks of an ultimately, pointless and polluted hill? Must you turn each event, each meager happening to be about you and your wasted life? Are you so desperate for attention that you grasp at the tiny straws, only to gain a moments relief from that empty, gaping pit you have dug inside yourself?


You are disgusting and weak. You are a pallid soul, seeking your food from idle dropping from the real hunters of the world. You sit back on your ever growing ass and wait for a scrap to come your way so that you can feed your own self importance.

I won’t caress your ego and help you feel better about how you fucked up and continue to fuck up. I won’t present my opinion out of focus so that you can draw whatever deluded conclusions you desire. I won’t feed you.

Fuck off, bottom dweller, and be content with sitting on top of your pile of mire and waste.

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