I’ve been introduced to a piece of music that is incredible. Excellent. I’ve downloaded it, but with Itunes, the damn things are locked and I didn’t want to go to the effort of burning it and then recopying it to my hard drive. So, instead, I’m sending you over to Blood, Sex, Crimson to have a listen. D’jaevle, I hope you don’t mind the slight (very slight) bump in hits.
That the source of this piece is Requiem For a Dream is ironic, but most of you will never know why.
Pleased to see that one of the women I wrote about, in this post, is now back online.
Odd, but I find myself strangely relieved to see it…and I don’t even know her.
I’ve done scarification in the past, but it isn’t something with which many people are comfortable. The work below…beautiful.
I posted a blog last month sometime after reading a few posts from it and deciding that it was worthwhile. I have even gone so far as to seek out the person in a chat room that by modern standards is the equivelent of an outhouse. Browser based chat - Ah, smell the stink of technology that is unforgiveably old.
Anyhow, I had read a post she made, and left comment upon it. Something along the lines of ….You are being whiny, if you are a doormat, then you are allowing it to happen. Tactful as ever. Afterwards I sought her out in chat and was unable to find her. Today, I find her blog again during the internet surfing I do between phone calls.
Needless to say, I am less than impressed.
No, it isn’t that she responded scathingly to my remarks. I would have considered it, at very least, a sign of strength to stand up and disagree with my remark. Instead she responded in traditional submissive fashion. Yes, she pretended the post didnt exist.
Certainly it stings when someone doesn’t support you in the manner you would want, but honest objective feedback is priceless - any company CEO would tell you the same. It allows you to understand your shortcomings, and identify your areas for opportunity. My remark was to take her off of the pity train upon which she was riding.
Instead she has choosen to ignore a crucial part of who she is. We all know that hiding something or ignoring it is the best way to handle any problem, right?
Why does it matter?
Well it isn’t about her, but about many people who do the same thing. I am not perfect. I am proud, stubborn, cold, unavailable and a Sadist among other things. However, there is one thing that I am above all others. Strong. Physically, yes, emotionally, mentally as well.
And I despise weakness. Weakness is the disease that pervades our society. An insidious, destructive whisper of shoulds and should nots. It festers in the wounds of the injured and the in the manipulative hands of society as a whole. It dilutes our free thinking and adulterates it with itself.
She is weak, but further more, is unwilling to change it.
Any remarks to which I disagree, will be deleted along with the post and half of my blog and replaced with one big happy face.
Add sarcasm to the above list.
I’ve spent the last two days just surfing - looking for food to chew upon and spit out. My sex life has come to a screeching halt (2 days, thus far)while I digest certain changes that have been made to certain relationships.
I happened upon this Blog and I think you might enjoy reading it. The woman behind the journal seems intelligent (which is a nice find), isn’t bad to look at, and writes well enough that I don’t feel compelled to close my browser.
It is like a secret that you don’t want to speak - yet the art and artist deserve to be shared. She is talented and her work, moody and passionate.
deviantART: rupa
Nice to see good independant thought from a female submissive or in this case, several female submissives. While I haven’t read every post, they seem to nicely avoid the catty habits that pop up when submissives group together. They also side step the ‘yes man’ mentality that is engraved into so many of their kind.
A free thinking, independant body that avoids the pitfall of becoming self righteous. Thus far.
This Big Hush :: The Thinking Submissive
A post that is strangely together considering her self proclaimed flaws. While I am unaware of the other content of her blog, the article(s) she selected were interesting. I took a moment to review her profile, which might provide insight into her particular line of thinking and her interests.
Blue Lotus: Do you work with a psychopath?