“The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created–created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them, changes both the maker and the destination.” -John Schaar
If you are any sort of an active blog reader, I’m sure you’ve come across closed blogs. I am intrigued by the concept of blog birth, life and death, but this focuses more on the death of a blog. Perhaps I don’t understand closing a blog, because I, myself, am right in the middle of doing something I enjoy - writing. Active writing on any subject, whenever, wherever. It is a far cry from the long, boring diatribes I develop for work.
Two of the blogs were ones that I found while searching online, and, for a while, they were linked from my page. The first one, written by a woman in her thirties, was dark, reasonably intelligent and gave me a lot of insight into her head. One day, I went to visit, left a comment, and left. A week later, during my blog hopping, I returned to find in its place, a white background and lots of sunshine. This person had gone through her archives and deleted everything she saw as dark or moody. She stated in her post that it was a move for her to find a ‘happy place.’ All that was left were song lyrics and the afore mentioned post about happy place. I don’t read blogs to get the latest in Jane Doe’s music taste.
I wrote about it a few months ago. She basically did the blog equivalent of cleaning house. While taking a personal inventory is an excellent move for anyone, the goal, in my opinion, is not to apply bleach to your previous thoughts. White washing something doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, and it doesn’t mean it won’t happen again. Ignoring the feeling, compulsions and thoughts which fed the demons you are trying to exorcise is not addressing the issue - it is hiding it.
I am more of the opinion that if you want to move in a different direction, just do it. There is no need to make dramatic mission statements. The color of your blog doesn’t make the words you write any different.
The second blog I to which I had also linked, closed a little more recently and for an entirely different reason. Privacy. In her writings, this twenty something woman spoke of mostly one person - her estranged ex-boyfriend. Mostly rants, raves and quite a bit of cursing. While she was, as an FYI, not into kink, she did write about personal matters.
One day, I return to find a post which says ‘Fuck off, you nosy mother fucker.’ In the ‘about’ page, she had said that her ex boyfriend had discovered her blog and that this is what happens when you let someone use your computer. Mm. So she moved it, closed it, whatever. So now they know what you truly think. Is that so bad? Mothers, Fathers and family in general - I see not wanting them to know whatever it is that you do, but lovers? Even ex lovers. What do you have to hide from them?
Let’s not forget the fact that you can password protect things you don’t want actively viewed. Entire journals, in fact, are not public. Then, however, there is no feedback - no one to tell you that you are right - good - a total victim of whatever circumstance you are pushing.
Several people I know quite well, in person, know of and how to find, this blog. Granted, my work does not, and never will. Professionally, I see the need to keep distance between your inner thoughts and what you actually do at work. My job handles sensitive issues - the fact I’m a sadist may be clear to them, but it isn’t linked to any sort of physical kink, and certainly not anywhere on paper. It’s none of their business.
Ex lovers, however, know the truth. If they want an open door into my head - bring it on. Perhaps they can put their heads together and come up with more reasons for why I am the way I am. Group effort - perhaps an intervention?
The other blogs I only run across from time to time. Less dramatic, of course, but still they empty their archives, change their titles and bleach out an entire period of their writing. Something I can’t imagine doing.
Then I think perhaps they didn’t write for themselves, but for other people. It’s your blog - you can do with it what you wish, but if you are going to kill your blog - your online journal - at least keep a text version to look back over on your hard drive.
If you are moving on to a new place - or to a new web address - It’s the least you can do for your former self.
They can try to hide from everyone but they can’t hide from themselves. Good or Bad, doesn’t that make you who you are?
Comment by Annie — 8/14/2005 @ 1:43 am
i really like your point of view on this, most likely because i agree whole heartedly.
it was a decision i had to make when moving to a new blog service.
the thought had passed my mind briefly in light of my Master, to cut out all the posts about another slave that had been in our lives, and was no longer there.
it didn’t take me long to decide, but it did take me a while longer to find the confidence in my decision.
realizing that my journal was a physical growth chart for my self and i should never limit my feelings.
if i thought they were important enough to write down, obviously they are important enough to keep, and i wanted to and should always remember them to benefit future experiences.
Comment by hisfaerieprincess — 8/14/2005 @ 2:32 am
[…] Pleased to see that one of the women I wrote about, in this post, is now back online. […]
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