September 11, 2008

…Writers un-block?

Category: General — Daemon @ 7:56 am

I’m cursed with two deuling Davids fighting to be told first.  It’s coming, soon, assuming it all doesn’t leave my head as quickly as it came.



  1. Flood or drought, hon, flood or drought. Do you get manic with it, when the writing hits? (I do: makes everyone around me crossly tiptoe out of my way).

    Comment by Beth — September 11, 2008 @ 8:59 am

  2. Ding Dong! The hammer-strokes fall long and fast,
    Until the Iron turns to steel at last!
    Now shall the long, long Day of Rest begin,
    The Land of Bliss Eternal calls me in.

    Hoang-ta-tie ~ Sung Blacksmith

    Perhaps the resolution would be to write for the David who needs release most…Passion is good for that. Or perhaps he is one man, loving differing facets of the same woman. Intriguing, will be interesting to see where either lead.

    Comment by gd — September 17, 2008 @ 6:23 am

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