

Filed under: General — Daemon @ 8:20 pm

The previously listed listless mood as now morphed into a full blown rage. Beware - my temper is out for blood.

I hate the man that now dates my mother. He is a scum bag piece of shit and I will god damned if he will lay a hand on her. I foresee a massive blow out, something of course, he will lose because he has the mental capacity of a fart. I have already let him know, and her, where I stand on their relationship. Screw anyone but him.

A picture of who he is:

He is jobless.
He has not paid taxes in 10+ years and the IRS is after him for well over $200,000.
He has been to jail for 2 years, for a crime he was later acquited of. (That is questionable as all the others involved in the case when to jail for 20 years.)
He is seeking to sue the government for what he calls false imprisonment.
He has an explosive temper.
He is afraid of me and maligns me behind my back. (I already have tussled with him and won.)
He is bearded, gap toothed and a hick of first order.
He is easily manipulated by the simplest of info-mercials.

What she sees in him, I have no idea. This is my mother and were it anyone else, I would just let them self destruct together. I thought she had some intelligence.

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