

Filed under: Writings — Daemon @ 8:33 pm

I feel neither joy nor pain,
My wounds anointed by the rain.
I’m cursed by my disease,
The air is heavy, I cannot breathe.

Blood dripping from my hands,
Never ceasing its demand,
The light is hidden from my sight,
Night is a raven taking flight.

The black flows through my veins,
Ever-present is her stain,
My vision it is never clear to me,
Evanescent is her touch, my memory, my sanity.

1 Comment

  1. […] I’ve never claimed to be a poet, but I’ve decided to unlock one of my pieces from earlier. Enjoy. « The elusive Meese.   […]

    Pingback by Sadistic Excess - The Journals of a Sadist - Bloodlust » Unlocked — 10/27/2005 @ 11:23 pm

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