I hear the frustration in her words as she tries to get my attention. I simply don’t understand the sense of urgency she has to hear me respond with a flood of information. I don’t have the load of events lined up in my head waiting for my mouth to spill them out in one long breath.
My day was fine. That isn’t enough. She makes an effort to pry out information like a police investigator. If I am silent, the need for information increases. If I am happy, she wants to know why. It is only angry that she doesn’t nudge me with her suggestions - well, that too depends on the level of anger I am projecting.
I’m not good with small talk. But my taciturnity isn’t some symptom of a greater problem that goes unaddressed.
I say as much.
And what do I get? Silence.
It is amazing that we, as humans, have ever managed to cross this great divide between the sexes to procreate. There is something to be said for pushing through those barriers forcefully when asking only results in no.
And yes, I’m done with my project.
There’s small talk that you make at a party to occupy dead air and there’s the small but significant talk between lovers that enables them to feel a part of each others worlds. When that’s missing the other can feel left out, neglected.
Comment by Tess — 1/15/2006 @ 11:18 am
some people don’t feel the need to fill space with chatter it seems superfluous or irritating even. just their prescence is enough, their body heat, even the familiar way they breathe can satisfy one.
sometimes that chatter is just that to the other. chatter.
Comment by eroticfae — 1/16/2006 @ 4:23 pm