
Notations in the margin.

Filed under: General — Daemon @ 6:52 pm

It is over 70 degrees outside today. Inside, I think it runs closer to 120. Pressure, endless pressure from family for one thing or another. They talk to me, you see, I am their brother, their cousin, their uncle, their son, their grandson and so forth. And they talk. And talk.

I spent a good portion of Christmas eve grief counseling my Tía - last year my uncle died around this time. My mother harps about the time I don’t spend with my family. I am utterly guilty, my best is usually provided during holiday events and emergencies. I didn’t even go and make tamales this year. There is work, always work, to do.

On the upside, there are several more candles being lit for me at mass. I can always use prayer.

On the otherside, everything and everyone else is well. My family, with all of their opportunities for improvement, still are able to make me glad that they are around.

Merry Christmas.


1 Comment »

  1. Family is a remarkable…being.

    It keeps me grounded. And somewhat insane.

    Comment by eroticfae — 12/25/2005 @ 10:57 pm

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