

Filed under: General — Daemon @ 7:16 am

I read quite a few blogs - considerably more than are listed on this page. The numbers of diaries, journals, etc that I rift through is determined by how much time I find myself with that day. The ones on my page, and another less public blog, I check daily. I don’t like to spend too much time online so I visit for very specific purposes and stick to them.

In the morning is when I like to read. Women blog the most - and for the most part, are better at it than their male counterparts. There are times however, when a blogger is being irrational or emotional that I have to resist the urge to be analytically cold. The cruelty is generally along for the ride as well.

I remind myself that emotions aren’t connected to logic, even in myself, and I refrain from comment.

Unless you can really grasp my sadistic side - you won’t see me comment much at all, at least, not on a personal or emotional entry.

Politics are fair game.

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