Not something I consider myself to have embraced.
But even I recognize common sense - logic appeals to me even when emotion tends to run just a little too close to the surface. N hasn’t apologized in so many words, and I haven’t forgotten the issue that brought us to this point. I simply acknowledge the reason in what she does say and I allow it to soothe me. Right or wrong.
Perhaps it is possible to remember how we once were, but not embrace it. I long for the days when I was less bitter, less jaded and considerably less worldly about women and relationships, truth and lies. Yet, I also remember just how foolish I once was. I remember just how blind.
I’m still blind to many things, and all too careful to note perhaps what I should not. I think the person I was would hate the person I am, even while I mock my former self for his naiveté and lack of character.
Thankfully, he didn’t have a vision of the future and the past fades quickly under the bright light of speculation.
Here is my olive branch.