I’ve lived through every kind of weather you can imagine.
Tornados - Texas has them in spades. Virginia, also.
Hurricanes - No place better than Florida, North Carolina and Virginia - I’ve lived in all three during a major storm. (and now Texas)
Hail - Reference Texas again. Dimes, Quarters, Softballs? I’ve seen them here.
Blizzards - Try crossing Wolf Creek Pass in Colorado for a little white knuckle driving.
Earthquakes - I didn’t enjoy the big one, but the after shocks were fun in California.
Down Drafts/High Winds - Texas again, takes the cake on this one.
Lightening - Texas.
I would take it personally, but the way I figure it, God could have me shot by one of the many angry Texas drivers. I seem to only be missing drought fueled, swarming locusts from my list.
Now normally, I wouldn’t dwell on weather, but the fact is that NM is in Houston at the moment. I know she is leaving. She said as much too me when we spoke - but I still am fighting the urge to go retrieve her myself. I know she is an adult. I know she is capable and independant. I know these things, but somehow I can’t stand that I am unable to stand between her and the weather.
Meanwhile, I will pace. I will pray. I will ask for the power to stand between her and harm.
But I already know the answer.