
Almost a prayer…yet more of a wish.

Filed under: Writings — Daemon @ 12:55 pm

Among adversity, I admire the eloquent - the fluent and deep calm of unrippled water, unhurried movement and undisturbed sense of self. In hardship, I admire – how the strong allow it to pass over or through them, how well they overcome strife’s stain, or its stench.

I crave the strong who in their wisdom do not seek to change the wind, but to withstand it, they who do not hide from change, but envelop it. I crave the people who would reach their hands into the thorns to find their own worth, rather than wait an eternity for character to appear upon their doorstep.

I seek the willing who in their eagerness forgive their previous hurts so they can wrap their minds around a new hope. I seek those that remind me to forgive while not forgetting my own injuries, so that I, too, may be able to experience weightless and unfettered joy.

I embrace the possibility that today may have.