Sadistic Excess banner

Random truth

I curse your name even as your image fills my head and evaporates what is left of my will. I need you, the greatest source of my strength and my greatest weakness. I need the calming balance of your hand on my forehead, the feel of your skin under my palm, and yes, […]

Excess (Part 2 of 2/Final)

Yes, Really.

N’s voice

I’d asked N to write something that I could post here. I wasn’t specific. There were no guidelines.
N used to write pages and pages for me. That has shifted somewhat as we’ve grown together, I’ve found that it is far easier to express the complete picture in writing. Perhaps […]

Excess (Part 1.75 of 2)

I’m cheating with the next installment you say? I’m late? Despite what you might think, not posting isn’t my form of punishment for any of you. Well, N, but hell, me not being here is more punishment than me not posting.
Eh. I’ve barely had time to do anything other than glance at […]

Excess (Part 1 of 2)

Exercise caution before you decide to click on the more option and read the rest of this post. It isn’t that I am reluctant to show you any part of my dark nature, but I know how it feels to have a preconceived idea about someone torn away in a moment of realization. […]

Someone who believes

I wrote this several months ago, but never published. I didn’t think I could add anything else to it. -D
She cries for me, for things I don’t understand and can’t grasp. She cries for my lack of understanding, my inabilities, my blindness, she weeps for them openly, unashamed. That I look […]


It’s posted - If you can find it.

You have an eager friend to thank for this…

So, I’m sure you are wondering when my next chapter is going to make itself known. Just dying to know what Marco has planned? How Annerire will recover, adapt? What were those words over which he ran his fingers while she lay there, dead to the world?
Wait for it… wait […]